Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Desperately Seeking the Data on MCC

Even before the mayor's office announced a delay in releasing the Music City Center feasibility study, Nashville's Priorities officially requested records regarding the Music City Center from Rich Riebeling, Metro Finance Director, and Sue Cain, Metro's general counsel. Here is the complete request from NP treasurer Allen Hovious:
Mr. Riebling and Ms. Cain, I am treasurer of Nashville’s Priorities, a group of citizens interested in the dissemination and understanding of information and analysis about the proposed new convention center. Our group is committed to having the same information, the Mayor and the Council are using for their analysis and decision making. It is my understanding that I can request that information from you and you will provide it for me. If this request is citing the wrong code or needs to be redirected through another source I will be happy to follow the correct procedures if you will be kind enough to send me to the right form and source.

1. As a citizen of Tennessee, I hereby make the following public records request pursuant to T.C.A. 10-7-501 et seq.
  • All draft copies of the Revenue Peer Review Study conducted by HVS Consulting (the "HVS Study") in response to the Request For Proposal dated August 25, 2009.
  • All comments whether provided electronically or in traditional hard copy, submitted by any representative or employee of Goldman Sachs, any representative or employee of First Southwest Securities, any representative or employee of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville & Davidson County, any representative or employee of CH Johnson Consulting, and representative or employee of the Nashville Convention and Visitors Bureau and any other person who may have reviewed the HVS study.
  • All correspondence between representatives or employees of the Metropolitan Government and representatives or employees of Goldman Sachs, First Southwest Securities, CH Johnson Consulting related to preparation of the HVS Study.

2. As a citizen of Tennessee, I hereby make the following public records request pursuant to T.C.A. 10-7-501 et seq
  • All draft copies of the review of MDHA's procurement and contracting procedures conducted by Kraft CPA's ("Kraft Study") pursuant to an engagement letter dated September 4, 2009.
  • All comments whether provided electronically or in traditional hard copy, submitted by any representative or employee of Kraft CPA's or any representative or employee of the Metropolitan Government with respect to the Kraft Study.
All correspondence between representatives or employees of the Metropolitan Government and Kraft CPA's.

As one might imagine, we are still waiting to hear back...

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